Wednesday, July 04, 2007

I just love this project.

It's simple, it's usefull, it's cool.

So, what is

It's a web site where you can register, add some of your feeds, which is extremely simple - you just have to add a link to the site you want to add, not thinking about which rss or atom feed does it use and is it compatible with this service.

So, when you add your feeds you can read the posts from them so there is no worries anymore will you miss some important news.

You also have widgets for your site. With a little java script code you can add to your page latest 20 posts from your feeds with headlines od posts or with names od the feeds.

I also have an inside information that there will be new features available soon, so you will be able to put on your site only those which you want to be shown, or make a list of latest posts from your blog etc.

And the last thing that I need to mention here is that you can receive feeds by mail or you can read them on your cell phone.

Nice, huh...

So, if you're not registered on yet, what are you waiting for?


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